3 Steps of Writing Emails Which Convert to Business

Every marketer should have a fear of the spam folder. Having your email marketing emails end up in the spam folder means: your subscribers are ignoring you. Writing email marketing emails which convert to business is increasingly hard. But put yourself in your subscribers’ shoes, they are slammed with averagely 100 email marketing emails every day.

Here are some steps of how can you make your email marketing emails stand out and get a response.

Send your emails with a purpose

If you do not have any reason to send an email marketing email to your subscribers, don’t send it. Sending emails to your clients and prospective customers just for the sake of it is a sure way to get on the spam folder. You should have a purpose for reaching to your audience.

Share value with the subject line

To make your subject line better, you should use clear and powerful language and also you should offer an exciting promise to the receiver. Also, you should focus on personalizing your subject lines to catch the interest of your customers.

Reference current and personal things

If you are sending emails to your new customers, then you should spend 10 to 15 minutes to researching them before you creating your newsletter design. You can use the websites of your customers’ brand, LinkedIn pages or Google searches to find out relevant details about them. After that, customize each newsletter design according to what you discover.

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