How Can You Improve Your Relationship With Your Clients

Email marketing is still a lucrative marketing way, as the only costs associated with it are those that go toward the email service provider and the time it takes to build email marketing campaigns. You can repurpose, automate or behaviorally trigger your email marketing campaign.

Blanket Email

You can sell any product or services but it is harder to earn loyalty.

Email marketing is a great way to for reaching those customers because you are able to incorporate cool images or links and use increasingly novel technology to insert GIFs, small animations and even location-based content.

This interactive personalization level is invaluable for nurturing leads.

Friendships with benefits

Startups can benefit from being perceived by their clients as friends, instead of being brands. And email marketing is a cost-effective and friendly way to get business thereby collecting information and targeting clients based on clients’ individual actions.

Segmentation is easier after your client has established his or her purchase behavior, time on site and pages and products visited.

Here are some strategies for getting close to your customers:

     1. You should send relevant content weekly

This is a great strategy for increasing engagement because the brand can provide valuable contents which seriously appeals to clients. Boring, generic newsletter designs just come off as lazy.

     2. Automate welcome series

Nearly all of users that opt-in to email marketing lists find them useful. If your customers sign up for your email marketing list, send them discounts. If they do not open the first email, you should send another with a new subject line, but the same type of newsletter design. If they open that email but do not redeem the coupon.

     3. Know birthdates and other demographic data of your subscribers

This subject is a must for targeting personalized newsletter designs at the right people. You can increase the loyalty of your subscribers with sending birthday greetings or similar messages.

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