Ways to Tailor Your Email Marketing to Each Client

Personalized email marketing campaigns

This doesn’t mean that you should personalize subject lines, this means you should build email marketing programs which are customized to the individual level. Send to targeted, timely email marketing emails which refer to specific actions the user performed on your website or in your store. For example, when they just make their first purchase, send a welcome email.

Welcoming websites

Your website is the face of your brand on the Internet. Besides that, from a personal greeting which uses the client’s name to custom content based on the client’s past browsing behavior, profile information or referring sites, the possibilities are endless. Personalization makes an emotional connect at a deeper level than mass targeting.

Get face to face with your audience on social media

Social media is generally considered as a one-size-fits-all platform by people. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Social media is offering that you reach out to users as people to build bonds and develop loyalties.



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