What’s A Good Open Rate For Email Marketing

By regularly monitoring your email marketing campaign,  you are able to know how many of the receivers have opened their email. This is one of the best features of email marketing. You can’t obtain any information like that about success of your campaign from most of the other marketing media.

The open rate helps monitoring your email marketing campaigns, measuring their success and also designing better email marketing campaigns in the future.

Email marketing seems like mixture of art and science to some people: if the newsletter design and the
images you use are the art part, for example, an open rate is the science part.

The average open rate for email marketing

Telling a certain number for the average open rate for email marketing is hard, because it depends on
the industry. But it is generally between 15% and 25%. You can calculate it by this formula:

How can you attract people to open emails?

You can increase your open rate by getting more people to open your emails. And for this you need to optimize the subject line and the preheader of your email which is the first things that a receiver will see when your newsletter design lands in their inbox.

You need the subject line that can convince your receiver to take the next step. Is your subject line effective enough to do that? There are several ways to create an effective email subject line, but check these basic guidelines to increase your open rate:

  1. Keep it short

Keep the actual selling part for the body of your email design. And, don’t forget that almost 75% of the
people are using their smartphones to check their inboxes. These means there are mostly little screens for the long subject lines. Keep your subject line short, but don’t forget that if you take out important details from your subject line, this cause subscribers to send your email to trash.

  2. Create an emotion of urgency

Certainly, creating a false hype will cause recivers to stop taking your urgency emails that you send in the
future seriously, and you don’t want that to happen.  However still, you can use your subject line to give
the message that this email can’t wait to be read.

  3. Avoid from looking like spam

Email users want to avoid spam emails, so make sure that none of your email design decisions cause your
email to seem like spam, for example; don’t use any words which sounds like spam. You don’t want your
email campaign to gain a seat in spam folder with scammers.
4. Personalize your email campaign

People are more likely to open an email which seems special for them. You can do this by providing
subject lines include their name or sending newsletter designs that are designed for special events like

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